Press Releases

12 Jun '15
Allscripts Sunrise(TM) Platform Helps Community Hospital Enhance Care Quality CHICAGO , June 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Allscripts (Nasdaq:MDRX) client Atlantic General Hospital , located in Berlin, Maryland , U.S.A., achieved Stage 6 on the HIMSS Analytics EMR Adoption Model SM (EMRAM) using the
08 May '15
Sunrise Acute Suite Provides Comprehensive Single Patient Record CHICAGO , May 8, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grand Lake Health System of St. Marys, OH , U.S.A., selected the Allscripts (Nasdaq:MDRX) Sunrise TM platform as the core electronic health record (EHR) for its community of medical centers.
06 May '15
Industrywide Survey Finds Nurses Have Mixed Views on How the Technology Affects Collaboration and Efficiency CHICAGO , May 6, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a survey conducted by HIMSS Analytics on behalf of Allscripts (Nasdaq:MDRX), the majority of respondents agreed that electronic health records

Contact Investor Relations

Jenny Gelinas
Vice President, Investor Relations